Maintenance of Vcomquartz Premium Synthetic Quartz Products

Vcomquartz synthetic quartz products generally require no complicated maintenance steps. To maintain the beauty and durability of the quartz surfaces over the years, simply follow these basic guidelines.

Cleaning Guidelines for Quartz Surfaces:

1 Daily Cleaning

Wipe the product surface daily with a soft cloth to prevent dust accumulation and remove surface stains.

For common stains such as juice, food coloring, coffee, tea, wine, soft drinks, paint, nail polish, machine oil, and ink, use a cloth or sponge to immediately clean the affected area with diluted multipurpose cleaner in warm water (50°C-60°C) at a ratio of 1:5. Then rinse the quartz surface with clean water and dry with a soft cloth or paper.

2 Cleaning Stubborn Stains

For more stubborn stains, use a non-corrosive, neutral pH (6 to 8) specialized cleaner instead of a regular cleaning solution. Rinse and clean the quartz surface with water afterward.

Note: Test the specialized cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the quartz slab first. If no discoloration or dullness appears, the cleaner is safe for use on the entire surface.

3 Removing Dried-On Stains

For long-standing dried stains like rubber, nail polish, paint, food, etc., use a thin, hard plastic scraper to remove them from the surface. Then clean the surface with water or regular cleaning agents.

Additional Usage Tips for Synthetic Quartz

1Avoid Strong Impacts

Vcomquartz synthetic quartz products are designed to resist external forces. However, their resistance depends on factors such as the quality of the slab support and the impact location.

2 Avoid standing on or placing heavy objects on the surface, especially in areas that may be weaker after fabrication, like sharp corners or edges.

3 Avoid Direct Cutting

Vcomquartz synthetic quartz, with a Mohs hardness rating of 7, is highly scratch-resistant. Nonetheless, always use a cutting board to maintain the surface’s pristine condition. Avoid cutting, slicing, or chopping food directly on the surface.

4 Avoid Thermal Shock

Like any composite material, Vcomquartz synthetic quartz can be damaged by sudden or prolonged exposure to high temperatures. The heat resistance varies with the thickness of the slab. A 3cm thick slab has better heat resistance than 1 or 2 cm slabs. Thermal shock or prolonged high heat exposure can cause surface cracking or other damage.

5 Avoid direct flame contact and prolonged exposure to hot kitchen appliances. Always use a trivet or heat pad when placing hot cookware on the surface.

Avoid Chemical Impact

Quartz surfaces can be permanently damaged by prolonged contact with strong chemicals and solvents. Avoid using hydrofluoric acid, paint strippers, or any product containing trichloroethane or methylene chloride for cleaning.

Avoid Direct Sunlight Exposure

Direct and prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause color changes or warping in synthetic quartz surfaces. It is recommended not to place the product in areas that are frequently exposed to direct sunlight.

6 Maintenance of Specialty Surface Finishes

Synthetic quartz products with specialty finishes (including honed, leather, eggshell, brushed) require more frequent care and maintenance to preserve their original beauty.

Dirt, scratches, and dust are more noticeable on specialty surfaces. Therefore, it is essential to remove these immediately using regular cleaners. Regularly clean the product surface to remove dirt and prevent dust accumulation, maintaining its original beauty.

By following these guidelines, you can help protect and maintain the beauty of Vcomquartz synthetic quartz for many years.

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